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RTLB Realities Show Notes
Episode 8 

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
A discussion with Irene - Deputy Principal in the Wellington Region

Nau mai te hapa, ma te hapa ka ako

Patua te taniwha, whakama he!

Welcome the mistakes, it’s from the mistakes we learn

Hit away the shy monster

Key Moments

  • Irene defined Imposter syndrome as - doubting your ability and what you have to offer in terms of the role you are given

  • When there is a mismatch between what the role is and what you think you need to be in that role, is where things can unravel

  • Imposter syndrome can cripple you, where you’re second guessing what you are doing and as a result, over-compensate 

  • Who’s voice are you hearing when you are sitting in Imposter Syndrome?

  • Cultural voice can be a strong presence that plays into Imposter Syndrome

  • Irene poses “What would it be like to not be an Imposter? What would it look like? What would it feel like? What would you be doing?”

  • Have you overcome Imposter Syndrome when you change the dominant voice in your head to be your own? When I can check in and give myself permission to stop.

  • Imposter Syndrome is perhaps considering how many spoons you have and not to spend them all before you go home

  • Knowing all of these things are easy but the actual doing is hard. This is where it is good to set good processes around looking after yourself

  • Imposter Syndrome can creep into every aspect of your life - am I a good enough mother/teacher/partner/friend etc

  • Need to consider how this constant drive/over-compensating is affecting others in your life

Post Discussion

  • When you’re comfortable with things, you often don’t feel Imposter Syndrome

  • Negative self-talk holds us back & we often over-compensate where we don’t feel like we’re doing a good job unless … (insert your condition here) 

  • It’s important to check the story that tells you you are not good enough

  • Imposter Syndrome often shows up when you are moving up the ladder and taking on new responsibilities outside of your previous experience

  • If you’re feeling like you’re uncomfortable and don’t know enough, it could be that you need to learn more - do something about it

  • Imposter Syndrome has the ability to cripple you - personally and professionally - to stop you fulfilling your potential and it can be an ongoing battle

  • Corrinne poses that if she’s not feeling like an imposter, she’s not pushing herself enough and it’s a sign that she has settled for being comfortable

  • Book - Unf*ck Yourself - poses that people often don’t see your thoughts or intentions, but do see your actions. Taking action/steps towards being who you want to be, you will be able to show up with your best

  • Undoing the negative self-talk takes concerted effort - what are you going to do about it?

  • Even in the hard times, it’s important to be resilient so that even in hard times, you can find the right people to help you through

  • In the classroom, do we know and consider who our tamariki’s go-to people are and do we give them enough access?

  • Knowing when to back off the pressure for yourself is really important, or when to reach for help

  • Tony Robbins - there are no negative emotions, they are just action signals. When you receive a particular signal, you need to ask yourself - “do I need to change my perception, or my procedure in this situation?” Your perception - how you’re thinking about something, or your procedure - how you’re going about something. Ignoring an action signal makes it louder and more intense until you really have to pay attention!


  • Go to the people who will give you the right support - someone who can give you a ‘loving reality check’ to help with the positive self-talk

  • Set and stick to healthy boundaries - make them deliberate, conscious, and regular

  • Actually listen to your go-to people when they remind you to self-check in if they feel you are overstepping your own boundaries - it’s a signal to stop

  • Engaging with a life coach has been beneficial - giving you a non-biased perspective, one that is challenging to discount

  • Having her husband collect her at 5pm from school so she can’t just stay and get lost in work

  • Surround yourself with good models

  • Create your own success criteria for your role

  • Being open to and vulnerable about receiving the feedback from others in order to make necessary changes

  • Be open to learning from people around you and give yourself permission to not be the expert if you are at the start of your journey!

  • Be aware of when you are feeling Imposter Syndrome in your life and challenge yourself to do something about it

  • Ask ‘who’s voice is this?” and critically evaluate it to see if the story is relevant or accurate

  • Check in, do you need to change your perception or your procedure, then take action


Resouces to Dive Deeper

Mel Robbins podcast - Silencing your self-doubt (audio on Spotify)

Tony Robbins - Master Your Emotions (audio on Spotify)

Unf*ck Yourself Get out of your head and into your life - Audiobook on Spotify

James Knottingham - The Learning Pit (YouTube video)

Mana Potential - A strengths based approach



Irene - Interviewee

Corrinne Devitt- Co-Host, Scripting, Interview coordination

Ve Grant-Lawlor - Co-Host, Music Creation, Recording, Production, Editing, Publishing, and Summary notes

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