Michael Bungay-Stanier (MBS)
Michael-Bungay Stanier has an international coaching reputation because he has provided coaches, managers and anyone interested in coaching conversations with practical tools and strategies that are highly effective, and easy to implement. His book, The Coaching Habit, has sold over a million copies worldwide and he has also delivered a TedTalk. He also has an engaging website that is filled with great tips and tricks. This sub-page promotes these resources.
The Coaching Habit is a book that methodically unpacks seven effective coaching questions with a range of tips and tricks that are easy to deliver and can be promoted in any order.

Start a conversation with The Kickstart Question: What’s on your mind?
Maintain an interaction with: The Awe Question: “And what else?”
Cut to the real issue at hand with: The Focus Question: “What’s the real challenge here for you?”
Provide clarity around want and need, by using: The Foundation Question: “What do you want?”
Enable the Coachee to come up with a solution by using: The Lazy Question: “How can I help?”
Gauge real commitment to a decision by asking: The Strategic Question: “If you’re saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?”
Create a learning moment by asking: The Learning Question: “What was most useful to you?”

Bungay-Stanier has developed a Haiku poem around The Advice Monster, which sums it up beautifully:
Talk less and ask more
Your advice is not as good
As you think it is
More From Michael
Bungay-Stanier’s Ted-Talk video delves into ways you can tame the Advice Monster. In the video, Bungay-Stanier comically demonstrates that when we are wanting to give advice, we are not attending to the person and our listening is poor. That is, we might jump in with a minimal encourager (e.g. Ah, ha, mmm etc), but we are too consumed with wanting to say our (brilliant) advice!
Bungay-Stanier’s website, Box of Crayons, is filled with numerous tips and tricks and are visually-represented in a cool, imaginative way-just like his books. There are a range of articles on delivering timely and impactful coaching conversations. There is also a video series which delves into the concept of curiosity-relying on the experiences of thought leaders. There are also self-assessment tools on the website where-as an example -you can gauge where you currently sit with your Advice Monster habit! Certainly relevant in our RTLB mahi.
MBS Works website delves into his books (including The Coaching Habit, The Advice Trap) and provides exciting course options-e.g. How to Begin Course where participants are trying to change something that is important to them. Bungay-Stanier provides participants with accessible exercises that are easy to try and implement. There is also a space to sign-up to his free Newsletter, which includes a range of tips and tricks.