These frameworks underpin all of the theory, resources and practices developed by the Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) Professional Learning Network.
He Pikorua guides our practices so we can work together within the Learning Support Delivery Model to provide a coherent, evidence-based approach.
Te Tūāpapa is a robust evidence-informed approach. It provides a framework for identifying supports which increase in intensity, depending on the needs and the context.
The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) set out the Government’s priorities for education that will ensure the success and wellbeing of all learners.
Ka Hikitia is a cross-agency strategy for the education sector. It sets out how we will work with education services to achieve system shifts in education and support Māori learners and their whānau. Also available in Te Reo Māori.
This plan maps the Government’s commitment to transforming outcomes for Pacific learners and families and signals how early learning services, schools and tertiary providers can achieve change for Pacific learners and their families.
The He Urunga Tū framework enables RTLB to be effective, inclusive, culturally responsive, and safe in their practice.
A framework for teachers and special education practitioners working with Mäori students who are presented with challenges.
Educational Leadership Capability Framework (2018) describes a set of core capabilities to guide leadership development in different spheres of influence.
The Tapasā framework brings Pacific perspectives to effective and quality teaching practice at different stages of a teachers’ journey in key areas and transition points for Pacific learners.
Tātaiako is a resource to support teachers to develop cultural competence to successfully teach Māori learners.
One model for understanding Māori health is the concept of ‘te whare tapa whā’ – the four cornerstones (or sides) of Māori health.
The Code sets out the high standards for ethical behaviour that are expected of every teacher; the Standards describe the expectations of effective teaching practice.
This plan sets out priority actions that will make the most difference, to ensure that children and young people get the right support, at the right time. Also available in Te Reo Māori.