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Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) can effectively use Professional Learning Groups (PLGs) as a tool to facilitate schoolwide systems change. PLGs are collaborative groups of educators who engage in ongoing professional development to enhance teaching practices, student achievement, and school-wide initiatives.


To effectively implement PLGs, RTLBs need to work closely with school leadership and the wider community to devise a clear plan outlining how the groups can support sustainable growth and implementation in the specific focus area.


Overall, PLGs offer a powerful means for RTLBs to promote school wide systems change. By offering a structured approach to professional development and fostering a culture of continual improvement, PLGs can significantly enhance teaching practices, raise student achievement, and ensure the success of all students in the school.

Although the focus is on PLG’s, the UDL implementation tool has been utilised as UDL practices are inter-woven with all that we do as RTLB. As another means of accessing the information on the PLG pages please highlight the section, right click and push ‘Read Aloud Selected Text’.

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